Monday, February 1, 2016

Theme Day: Scenes from a Coffee House

Since I don't drink coffee, I had to ask my friends where would be a good coffee house to photograph.  They suggested a place called Copper Star which is located in an old remodeled gas station.  It was perfect.  I just walked inside and snapped a couple of photos and walked out.  I think only one person saw me.  Everyone else was busy enjoying their coffee and conversation.  That guy in the black shirt to the right was setting up to play some music.

And the girl behind the counter was way too busy making fancy coffee drinks to notice anyone with a camera in hand.  It worked out perfectly!

If you would like to see how other City Daily Photo bloggers have pictured a coffee house in their city, click here.


  1. LOL -- I might have bought a coffee just to give everyone a reason for my picture-taking. But then, I drink coffee, so it would be easier for me. :)

  2. I would enjoy a coffee here, especially as I see it is real coffee and not filter which seems to be the preferred method to Americans.
    I forgot theme day again.

  3. I love coffee, but only when I make it. I can't drink the stuff made by Starbucks and coffee houses. Ugh! I think for the right kind of person this would be a nice place to visit. Not me, though.

  4. I am not a fan of coffee places, but this one looks quite nice...

  5. I love when a cafe displays and sells local artists work like this Sharon, looks like you got a good tip with this one. I often wonder when we talk about cafes on the blogs, don't American cafes give you a choice of coffee/teas/hot chocolate etc.?

  6. It's a good conversion of the place... reminds me of a gas station- garage here that was converted into a burger joint.

  7. Ah! Now that's a real one. Just like I love them (except of course that I don't drink the stuff!)

  8. I'm not a coffee person either and had no time to search out a cafe anyway! This one looks quite cool!

  9. It appears that you and most of your commenters don't drink coffee, so I am going to sit down and drink enough for you and the rest of them. I think I would like this joint.

  10. Great job on the pictures Sharon! This looks like a nice place. I'm not a big coffee drinker either.

  11. Aren't you brave! Love your contribution to Theme Day.

  12. You captured some great coffee house scenes! :-)

    Even in Vienna, coffee houses offer alternative hot drinks, hot chocolate, tea, you name it.
    Coffee houses are places where one can meet friends or be perfectly alone in company. Some people bring their work, others their own book, but many places offer a wide variety of dailies and even weekly magazines.
