Saturday, February 6, 2016

Sculpture Garden

The Scottsdale Museum of the West also had a small sculpture garden that I found to be quite attractive.

The back wall of the garden is a work of art in itself.  It's called "Weeping Wall" by landscape architect Colwell Shelor.  The wastewater that collects from the heating and cooling systems is diverted through the wall and into the planter in the center of the courtyard.  The running water over the metal wall makes beautiful patterns.

A museum of the west would not be complete without an Allan Houser sculpture.  This one is called "Apache Cradleboard".

This sculpture by Doug Hyde is called "Evening Chat" and it sits in the center of the garden.  I love the very calming a peaceful look it has.

If you live in Arizona or are visiting the state, this museum has a lot to offer.  Be sure to put it on your list of places to visit.


  1. Nice to see suc a garden, it is rare. I once saw one in Punte del Este, Uruguay.


  2. I really like this space. It would be a great place to sit and meditate and let the cares of the world wash away!

  3. What a lovely place! The artworks are eye-catching!

  4. This area does feel peaceful. Evening Chat is my favourite.

  5. Nice garden, Sharon, I like esp. the last sculpture !

  6. I'd like to sit there for a while and just admire everything around me!

  7. Not too sure about the wall but for the rest, pick me up in an hour... :-)

  8. That sculpture garden looks like a winner. I would like to see it.

  9. Love the second picture - organic in many ways. The title of the last one is strange since their lips are closed.

  10. Absolutely! Me too Sharon, what a wonderfully serene space. Mind you when we all get there it won't be so serene :)
