Monday, November 30, 2015

Welcome to Old Town

When you venture into Old Town Scottsdale you are greeted by this red-shirted cowboy who is lassoing up a great big Arizona welcome.

Old Town Scottsdale is popular with tourists and is just bursting with galleries, jewelry, and souvenir shops.

I like to walk there and when I decide to go into a gallery or shop I always get the question "where are you from". They seem happy to have a rare customer from right here.


  1. I used to get that a lot when I lived in Florida, too!

  2. Scottsdale is such a welcoming town.

  3. I don't think I'd recognize Scottsdale anymore. It wasn't very big when I lived there. I would like Old Town for sure!

    Re: Roach coaches. I do remember those. We see few of these food trucks here, and that's what caught my attention; especially one that specialized in Cuban food!

  4. I haven't been there in awhile, but enjoy my visits when I do.

  5. Old Town is fun even if I can't afford the shops any more. Heck, I never could afford it. But I do miss the old Trader Vic's restaurant.

  6. I love these kitschy kind of signs!
