Sunday, October 25, 2015

Polo Championships

Yesterday I went to the 5th Annual Bentley Scottsdale Polo Championships and truly enjoyed the event.  My friends Julie and Dave put together a "tailgate" party at the event so we had comfortable seats right next to the playing field.  The fellow above from one of the teams came over to pose for a few photos before his team was due on the field.

I had not been to this event before and the only experience I had with polo was from a few years ago in Argentina when I went to a match down there.  I learned a lot more this time.  See the rider on the white horse above?  That's a woman rider!

She was from the only team of the day with a female player and she was very good.  I was impressed.  What a truly enjoyable event.  The only drawback of the day was with the position of the field.  We were facing south with all those white tents on the other side of the field.  It made taking photos very difficult.  It was almost like shooting right into the sun.
I'll have a couple more posts from the event in the next few days.  The spectators were just as much fun to watch as the horses!

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  Take a look at a cute little shop in Laguna Beach California.


  1. It's a sport we don't really see much of here!

  2. Seems so British - not what I would expect in your city, Sharon!

  3. Bentley - appropriate. J and D are ever the gracious hosts. I saw indoor polo matches from time to time when I was a kid. My father's eyesight was too poor for the army in WW II so they put him in the National Guard. His post was at an armory in the upper east side of Manhattan that had an old-fashioned horse arena. There was a club for former officers that he belonged to into the 60s. Preey wild for a city kid.

  4. You captured the scene very well! Never been to a polo match; always thought it was kinda elitist. The horse barn at the Minnesota State Fair is the closest I've come to a horse show or event. But, if I were younger.....

  5. This looks like so much fun. And what an opportunity to photograph all those beautiful horses and the also beautiful riders!
