Tuesday, October 13, 2015

My Favorite Phoenix Bird

My favorite depiction of the Phoenix Bird is this one that stands at the entrance to the Town and Country Shopping Center.  This shopping center is one of the city's oldest with brick sidewalks and a "country" feel.  However is has undergone some modernizing lately.  Luckily the quaint core of the center is still in tact with newer building around the outside.  This Phoenix bird is constructed of steel and stained glass.  I'm always watching for the sun to light up those colorful wings but so far I've not caught it at the right time.  This photo, taken on a dull day shows the colors of the glass the best I've seen.


  1. What a brilliant sculpture, I love it

  2. Lighting does make a difference. Without it the Phoenix still looks pretty cool.

  3. I bet this is hard to photograph in any kind of weather but it's so beautiful!

  4. I agree -- of the ones you've shown, I think I like this one the best!

  5. I can see why this is your favourite!

  6. Brilliant ! I understand why this is your favorite !

  7. You have found so many imaginative renderings of the Phoenix, and this one is special with the stained glass and spreading wings.

  8. That is so impressive. I can see how the right light would make it ever more so. You could put up a tent and camp there and wait...well, maybe not. :)

  9. This is such a creative art piece! Love it :)

  10. I agree with you, this is an impressive phoenix!

  11. The stained glass is what does it for me!

  12. This is definitely a looker. It's stunning.

  13. I can see why it is your favorite! I absolutely love those stained glass wings.

  14. I have to agree Sharon this is magnificent. The stained glass wings are brilliant. It almost looks like it should be specially lit at night for effect.

  15. I love that little shopping center.
