Saturday, September 19, 2015

Family Dinner....'s not what it used to be.

David and I were having dinner one night recently when this family arrived and was seated next to us.  They were very quiet and it was easy to see why.  Each and every one of them is studying some type of electronic device.  The father is hidden by that bottle of wine but, I can vouch for the fact that he too was looking at his cell phone.  It was too good of a scene to ignore so I snuck this photo.  No one at that table saw me.


  1. Great shot, you have captured an all too familiar sight perfectly!

  2. I also say great shot! The lighting is perfect!

  3. What a shot Sharon, fantastic, I would have found that too irresistible also :) but isn't it such a sad reflection on life today.

  4. Pretty sad commentary of life today.

  5. I find this incredibly sad, Sharon! Makes one despair for the future when people won't know how to communicate with each other face to face.

  6. Very well done! It's a superb photograph and a real statement about our world at the beginning of the 21st century!

  7. Of course not, or each other, either. We are struggling to limit my two year old granddaughter's screen time. It's a tough fight.

    By the way, this is a very nice piece of photojournalism.

  8. Don't you wonder if they ever talk to one another? It's easy to become addicted to these things. I catch myself shifting my focus when I hear the noise that signifies an email or a text message. We all need to let some of this go. My daughter, who is worse than I am, occasionally has an electronics-free weekend at her home. My grandson doesn't like it but at the end of the weekend they reflect back on everything they were able to do and accomplish during the weekend - together!

  9. LOL -- that's hilarious. Maybe they were all texting each other, saying, "Hey, this lady at the next table is taking a picture of us!"

  10. I like electronics and toys, but I still prefer interaction among people who do not have iPhones and iPads with them.
