Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tempe Waterfront

I was in Tempe a couple of weeks ago and snapped this photo of a new condo development located across the street from Tempe Town Lake.  They designed the long sail-like panels to give the feeling of sailing.  It's a rather unique design for a desert city.  Yes, there is a lake nearby but, it's a man-made lake and it's not large enough to seriously sail on.


  1. That looks really neat and unusual. Glad you had your camera with you :).

  2. They do look great, perfect for their lakeside location too!

  3. A tent, was my first thought. indeed a bit unusual.

  4. I think it's pretty fab Sharon, I totally appreciate the architect's tongue-in-cheek sense of irony :)

  5. Fabulous design to the condo.It works for Phoenix.

  6. The triangular patterns appeal to me, and remind me a bit of a government office building here that incorporates pyramids and cones into its design.

  7. I like it, but William is quite right in his observation...

  8. Very attractive development. Rather than sailing, it reminds me of an area near Santa Fe called "tent rocks" with natural formations that resemble the architecture of these buildings.

    I couldn't resist! I drove into town today from the cottage to use wifi to check email, FB, and my photo blog. Guess I cannot exist without technology; a bit disappointed in myself.

  9. Well that's different! Where do you live? In a triangle! :-) I like it!

  10. Even though we lived in Tempe at one time, I doubt I would recognize it. Our son was born there but when we visited about 15 years later, the hospital was gone and nobody could remember his doctor! Time flies! A lake in Tempe? I've been noticing your temps - yikes! We've had hot and humid weather but with rain in the afternoon it sometimes cools things down to the 70s.

    Thanks for your kind words! Hope you're doing well.

  11. That is a unique design. It looks fresh and cool although I'm sure it isn't. I wonder what they look like inside.

  12. Interesting design. Not sure it will stand the test of time though...

  13. I like the look of these. They have really built a lot of apts. in this area.

  14. Yes, I've wondered about the wisdom of a lake in the desert, too.

  15. Well, I never . . . This is not the first design that would have come to my mind if I were an architect hired to design for the middle or a desert.

  16. A feeling of lightness. Very attractive.

  17. Ditto that other comment I just made on architectural angles!
