Thursday, June 18, 2015

Union Jack

I didn't notice this at first but after a minute or so, I though "what's that Union Jack doing flying over that home down there".

I have a favorite "high' spot that I visit every now and then to get some shots over the city or when the sky is particularly pretty.  One day not long ago I was standing up there when I spotted the flag in the distance.  It didn't register at first but then I realized it was a bit out of place.  There must be some Brits living in that house.


  1. An unusual sight for Phoenix!

  2. Best go round and have a cup of tea then, better still a cream one

  3. The British are coming! Rumour has that if Queen Elizabeth II resumes monarchical duties over all The United states, she is planning to return the letter "U" back into words such as color (colour) and harbor (harbour). :-)

  4. Haha! They're everywhere those Brits :) Well spotted Sharon!

  5. This spot appears to be a special vantage point for interesting photography.

  6. Those darn Brits are everywhere these days! Heh, heh. But it's nice to know that we have some very sharp people with cameras out and about to keep track of them! :)

    Thanks for your comment about the book!

  7. I think it's neat they fly their own native flag. I'd do the same thing if I were an ex pat.

  8. I agree with Bill - I bet they have a nice spot of tea to offer!

  9. It is a good flag, after all, and a nice spot to photograph from!

  10. Looks like a very nice place, Sharon, also with the "unusual" flag :)

  11. Lucky them! And yes, just ring the doorbell and invite yourself for scones, clotted cream and a cuppa!

  12. That has to be the explanation, Sharon. Some Brits who miss home. The irony is that, back in the UK, they probably didn't fly the flag.

  13. The Union Jack adds a nice bit of color!

  14. Some sunburned Brits, I'm guessing. :)
