Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Sparkly Sparkles

I was probably the only person in the ballroom at the Phoenician Resort who was looking straight up at the ceiling most of the time.  I loved seeing the sparkly chandeliers hanging over the area.

The are designed like giant flowers with sparkly petals and they sure had me intrigued.  So, of course, I whipped out my camera and took a couple of shots.  I'm sure there were one or two people who saw me and thought I was a bit whacky but, that sort of thing doesn't bother me at all.  In fact, it's kind of fun doing the odd thing in a crowd of people don't you think?


  1. Far too good of a photographic opportunity to miss!

  2. Those are so elegant. You visit the nicest places!

  3. Very pretty and artistic but what fancy event were you taking part in at the resort?

  4. Oh my gosh I would have done exactly the same Sharon it's fabulous and so beautifully shown here, merci beaucoup.

  5. Ooooh the magpie in me loves this! So shiny!

  6. It's stunning and your first shot is absolutely fantastic!

  7. It is so unique that it would have been impossible for you to resist, Sharon! Maybe you got some other people more aware of them too!

  8. A beautiful design! I can see its appeal for the photographer!

  9. I think people are now quite used to people like us who are now unselfconscious about whipping out our cameras. I can readily understand why you were fascinated and charmed by these wonderful and unusual chandeliers.

  10. Oh wow! I would have done the same thing. That is absolutely gorgeous!

  11. First image is super! Arianna
