Monday, May 4, 2015

And the winner is....

I went to a Kentucky Derby party on Saturday and snapped a few photos at the event.  Above is Miss Mare standing in the winners circle looking quite proud of herself.  She was there for photos and she did an excellent job of looking at the camera whenever someone posed with her.

My friend David was decked out in his Derby suit and bow tie.  He's with his brother James.  James serves on the board of Echelon, the organization benefiting from the event.  Echelon is the young adult auxiliary of the Salvation Army.

It was loads of fun seeing all the wonderful "derby" hats at the event.  In the center of the photo is Brianna.  Her company does public relations work for Echelon.  Unlike me, she looks fantastic in a hat.

I went to the event hatless because I don't really own a hat. But, I did have on some killer shoes!


  1. Seems like it was a fun gathering. I know about the Kentucky Derby a bit, and also about the Derby pie (which is on my list of pies to make) :)

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. What a super post Sharon.. Miss Mare is such a poser :) Your friend David and his brother are rather dishy! Gorgeous array of hats and yes for sure that is a killer pair of shoes, cool 'toe varnish' too :)

  3. Great manicure on those "killer shoes," Sharon! We missed watching the Derby for the first time in years because we have become critical of the sport because of the treatment of the racing horses. I know I will miss it, tho, because I love watching those beautiful animals. One of the best events I have ever watched were races at Saratoga Springs with friends who are crazy about horse racing. What colorful scenes!!

  4. And a nice pedicure to boot!

  5. Had a KD party in my own mind Saturday. Wore a stupid hat, drank a fe mint juleps and watched horses run in circles. What a life!

  6. I love the collage with the hats !

  7. Great shoes, Sharon! David and his brother look so alike - especially the smiles!

  8. David looks quite dashing in his Derby suit. I like the hat collage and the picture of the horse is awesome, even though the horse looks like She's wondering what it's all about. I also noticed the back end of what is probably a very cute pony.

  9. What a beautiful horse!

  10. Ooooh this is almost like being at Ascot! The horse is gorgeous, so are the gents but oh my... your shoes... Looooove them!

  11. Quite a gathering. I seem to always miss these events when they're happening.

  12. What a fun event you are sharing and I do like those shoes!

  13. I like that huge floppy hat at the bottom. Nice shoes, though.

  14. How fun Sharon! I love your shoes.

  15. Nice hat but I'm loving the shoes.

  16. That is a fine collection of party photos. But, next year, beg, borrow or steal an appropriate hat!

  17. Dashing people!
    Nice toes Sharon!
    A much more personalized Derby event than the Kentucky one to take an example.
