Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Lexington on Central

Lexington on Central is a luxury apartment complex located directly across the street from the affordable complex I pictured yesterday.  Years ago when I first moved to Phoenix from the city of Mesa, I looked at these apartments.  That was long before the light rail was put in.  I loved the look of the place and the apartments were nice but, at that time I felt like I needed a little more space.  My how that need has changed.


  1. Funny how space starts to seem like a burden after a while!

  2. Living space in the cycle of life has an interesting way of changing, circling back to the initial needs: small, large, even bigger, and then back to small, smaller . . . Beautiful complex, by the way.

  3. It looks very well taken care of.
    Space is an interesting matter with which one accomodate quite easily in one direction as well as in the other.

  4. I agree with Kate. And as I get older my wants don't far exceed my needs as they once did.

  5. Must be convenient with the light rail so close!

  6. Looks like a very nice complex.

  7. Looks like a very lovely place. I still need a lot of space, though. Not sure why.

  8. This looks like a lovely place, Sharon! I like a bit of space around me.

  9. "All I need is a room somewhere . ."

    Wait! I think there's a song there.

  10. They look like they were well designed and constructed. BTW, how are you liking your new place?

  11. They do look pretty fab Sharon.. But as you say downsizing is the way to go now.. must admit my garden is starting to exhaust me these days.

  12. So many architectural details! Lovely.
