Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Bird sightings

I mentioned yesterday that I saw two birds at the garden on Sunday that I've never seen there before.  The first was this one with the little feathers standing up on it's head sort of like a cardinal.  I had to ask someone what it was.  It's called a Phainopepla.  (I thought to myself, a what?  I had to go home and look it up to get it right.)

The next one I saw was this very bright orangish-yellow bird with the black hood and white streaked wings.  Turns out it's a Bullock's Oriole black-headed grosbeak.  It was way up high in an ironwood tree munching on the blooms. 

Of course, there were a few stunning cactus blooms to enjoy while I was there too.  Like this gorgeous hot pink beauty.  
Update:  Kathy recognized that second bird as a black-headed grosbeak.  Thanks Kathy!


  1. I don't know what kind of birds those are, but they are very pretty. Nice images as well.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. Two super bird captures Sharon but the Bullocks Oriole made me smile, he looks a little grumpy, I just imagined him thinking 'well you'd be grumpy too with a name like that' :) Gorgeous exotic cactus bloom.

  3. I love crested birds although I was not familiar with the first one. The second I believe to be a black-headed grosbeak rather than an oriole because of the shape of its beak. He looks so pretty sitting in the ironwood tree.

  4. They are cute and the cactus is really stunning !

  5. "Take for example the relationship between Desert Mistletoe and the Phainopepla. The Mistletoe spreads by seed with the help of this bird and the bird benefits from the berries in the wild." says Chris the blogger from Tucson.

  6. Kathy is right! Black-headed grosbeak it is! I put an update on the post.

  7. I always learn something good from your posts, even if I can't spell it or pronounce it! :) Love that flower with the beads of water!

  8. Both those birds are new to me, Sharon. Nice to meet them!

  9. It's fun to see birds that we haven't seen before. They must love it there in the garden.

  10. Birds are all over today. "Take my good side."

  11. I love the first bird. I also thought it's head feather was similar to a cardinal! Your cactus bloom is also very beautiful. :)

  12. They certainly are pretty birds. I would have trouble identifying more than a select few breeds of birds.

    The cactus flower is looking lovely!

  13. Love the color on the that flower.
