Monday, March 2, 2015

Very expensive fashion statement

We have a wonderful business here in the Phoenix area called "My Sister's Closet".  It's one of those places where you can take clothes that you no longer wear and consign them for sale and of course you can buy some great things that have been gently worn but still have some life in them.  I take things there quite often and I usually find something to take home with me.  Last Friday I was there and got stopped in my tracks by these Christian Louboutin extremely high platform shoes.  No, you will not see these killers in my closet, I wasn't even tempted.  I know the serious injury I could sustain if I tried to wear these.  However, I did think they were worthy of a photo!


  1. Great photo! Interestingly, there is a consignment shop in St. Paul with the same name. Doubt that something like this would be part of the inventory, tho.

  2. It's surprising how many young ladies one sees tottering around on a Saturday night in very similar looking shoes!

  3. I've been known to wander around in a six inch heel from time to time, but never ones with quite such a thin heel - these are total ankle breakers!

  4. Gotta pretty good idea why someone gave these suckers away. A trip to the EM awaits 'you'.?!

  5. Absolutely love the angle you took here Sharon, at first I thought it was an art work :) would have liked to see you taking it :)..and no, no way!

  6. I swear, designers think up the most ridiculous things they can think of just to see if people are stupid enough to buy them.

  7. They are pretty ugly, aren't they? Good shot though, Sharon.

  8. I sometimes wonder what makes people buy this kind of Louboutin shoes (though other pairs I wouldn't mind, not one little bit! :-))

    The photo is brilliant though and somehow they look oversized!

  9. i want the same for my jooging

  10. Good lord, those things look like murder.

    Come to think of it, you could kill someone with that heel.

  11. I fall down even when I'm wearing flats, so no way! Nice picture though.

  12. There is a girl at work how wears this exact shoe and in that color.

  13. Love the angle on this shot!

  14. Great photo -- you even managed to show off the trademark red sole. I bet these shoes cost a bundle new.

  15. This makes for a good photo, but who can walk with such shoes?

  16. All I know about that brand is that they have bright red soles and cost as much as a Maserati.
