Saturday, March 21, 2015

Spring has Sprung!

Actually, I think spring sprung here in Arizona several weeks ago but nonetheless, I celebrated the day by taking a long walk at the Desert Botanical Garden.  Boy, was it busy!  I think there were just as many people there as there were when the Chihully exhibit opened two years ago.

There was also a lot of blooming going on.  The wildflowers were in full bloom as expected for this time of year but, there were quite a few cactus blooms popping out which is a little early for them.  We usually don't see so many cactus blooms until April.  My fellow photographers were determined to get some good shots like this young lady above.

Here we have a lovely primrose peeking out between a frame of Baja Fairy Dusters.  

Even the taller cactus were getting busy with their blooming business.

When I saw how full the parking lot was, I almost left without going in.  I'm so glad I decided to face the crowds.  There was quite a lot to see.


  1. A magnificent array of colour!

  2. Blooming cacti are breathtaking and I love each and every one of your photos today!

  3. In the middle of flowers, how beautiful !

  4. Gorgeous shots! I don't think I've ever seen a cactus flowery like that - its quite beautiful!

  5. You must be very happy with the rewards of your visit Sharon. Cactus blooms have always fascinated me, those beautifully exotic blooms seem so unexpected on the prickly plants.

  6. So beautiful! I love that last shot!

  7. Gorgeous shots, Sharon... very welcome to see!

  8. Every one loves the spring flowers, Sharon!

  9. It was a horrible day here today, coldish and grey, dull, grey, dull... So your beautiful spring is quite uplifting! The first shot is fantastic!

  10. You got some really good shots.

  11. A great place to be in the Spring.
