Saturday, February 7, 2015

What's good for the goose....

I drove out to Gilbert yesterday to visit the Riparian Preserve at Water Park.  I hadn't been there in over a year so I thought I'd see what kind of birds I could spot out there.  We are experiencing some unusually warm weather for this time of year so it was a bit of hot walk (83f/23c) and the place was packed with people so the wildlife weren't very cooperative.  Well, except for this goose.  He was not the least bit camera shy.

And, these two were quite happy to swim around in front of my camera.

I did get a rather good shot of this black necked stilt who was prodding around in the water for bits to eat.  The Riparian park wasn't my only stop in the east valley.  I'll show you some more photos from other stops in a future post. 


  1. Great set of wildlife images!

  2. I like the portrait of the goose with the blue eye, great !

  3. Great portrait of the goose and wonderful reflection of the stilt.

  4. They all look pretty happy to be there. I like that nice reflection in the last picture.

  5. These are all lovely shots, Sharon, but the goose with that bit of something in its beak is perfect! So sharp. You're were able to portray its personality. Now if I'd try to do that the darn thing would chase me and bite my ankles!

  6. I love how the stilt has pink legs!

  7. Wonderful pics in this park I like so much.

  8. The 'black necked stilt' what a brilliant name for a bird with those long legs :) J'adore bird reflections Sharon, the last shot is wonderful.

  9. What nice blue eyes that goose has!

  10. Nice close up. His eye is so blue.

  11. Black necked stilt. We definitely don't have those up here. Excellent closeup of that goose!

  12. OMG Sharon, I took a close-up portrait of that goose's Versailles cousin today!!! Yours is better than mine though and I don't know when I'll post it, I took waaaayyy too many photos today!

    These are all brilliant, love the reflection too!

  13. Very nice. Though I am a bit negative about geese. They make HUGE messes.
