Thursday, February 12, 2015

Free Library

I finally found one of those Little Free Libraries.  I've seen photos of them posted on other sites but never saw one in Phoenix until this last weekend.  I found this one in one of our historic neighborhoods.  I'm glad to know it's alive and well in my town.


  1. And very attractive it is too!

  2. So cute! There is one of these just a few steps from my home. It's in an old phonebooth.

  3. Cute! Arizona seems like the perfect place for one of those. In England I suspect it would get awfully damp.

  4. This is a good idea ! Nice and useful !

  5. Such a sweet idea Sharon, must keep my eyes open to see if we have any around here!

  6. Nice! I wonder how much use it gets. We don't have any here so far as I know. But we do have a pretty good public library system.

  7. I think these libraries are a fantastic idea. I found one - my first one - a few weeks ago in a town east of where I live. I wish there were more of them!

  8. That is a nice find! I wonder what kind of books are in it.

  9. Rather cute. I've not seen one here yet.

  10. Aren't they great! I have 3 within easy walking distance that I check regularly and I also take books and deposit them when we are finished. It is a good way to purge a bit! One of the libraries I go to has someone with very similar reading tastes as mine so I try to get by it a lot.

  11. I like this one, especially with the sun.

  12. I've seen them in lots of places except here! France being France though, I'm sure that if someone tried this there would be some sort of administrative formality...

  13. That is so neat! I'm glad to know they are getting more popular.

  14. Never heard of the concept. It's a wonderful idea. Sure haven't seen any in STL.

  15. Very cool, Sharon. There is one in West Hartford but so far I have not seen any in SWFL.
