Monday, January 12, 2015

Gallery Show

Saturday evening I attended a gallery reception at the Lisa Sette Gallery featuring the work of Mayme Kratz, a well known artist in the Phoenix area.  Mayme's art is created with products of nature like seed pods, feathers, bones and other found objects.  She fashions these things into works of art using acrylic resin.  (Click on the link to visit her site and see more of her work and click on the gallery link to see more about the show and the gallery.)  The piece above was my favorite in the show.  It's called "Falling Leaf" and it's composed of literally thousands of fairy duster seed pods.  The pods are little curly pieces no more than an inch long.

Another favorite was this piece called "Think, Grow, Tensions".  This one is composed of hundreds of poppy pods on a panel and then sealed in a block of resin.  When you stand close to it you can see the depth of those pods trapped in that formation.  Fantastic work!

(P.S. these are iPhone photos so they aren't as sharp as they could be.)


  1. It must be awesome to be able to see these two pieces close up!
    I can imagine the patience the artist has.

  2. The detail is incredible, painstakingly so!

  3. Interesting work! I'd love to see the pods in the first one close up. But I understand why you'd use the iPhone -- sometimes carrying a camera is such a pain. :)

  4. How fabulous Sharon, must have been wonderful to see up close. What patience she does have.. I always forget I can take photos with my phone, handy for those times they say 'no cameras' :)

  5. My first thought was somewhat pedestrian. . .it must take tons of tine and patience! Then I'd get around to appreciating the beauty of each piece.

  6. I looooove this. So much texture and depth

  7. They seem to have quite a connection to the natural world for me, here from a distance.

  8. That must have been an interesting show. I like that first one too. It must have taken a long time to make that.

  9. I think these would go great in our home with our colors! Nice conversation pieces, too. Of course, these days the only conversations I have are with our cats and they aren't interested in much other than sleeping and eating! :)

  10. I really like that top one, Sharon!

  11. That first one looks like a bee hive.

  12. These are fantastic, especially the first one. So light and poetic!

  13. How fascinating! It must take hours to create such beautiful works.

  14. Aren't you dazzled by the amount of work that goes into something like this?
