Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Falling leaves

Sometimes the strangest things catch my eye.  This last weekend I was walking toward my car when I spotted this single leaf clinging to the front of a car.  The tree it came from is still full of bright green leaves but there seems to be just a few that have started to turn color and fall off.  This one attached itself to the grill of this car.

Any idea what kind of car it is?

It was a nice shiny black Jaguar.  I wonder if that leaf was as attracted to that car as much as I was and decided to hop on for a spin around town.


  1. The leaf suits the shiny, sleek car perfectly... well spotted!

  2. Oh well spotted Sharon, the Jaguar is such an elegant car.. The autumn leave looks quite at home on that shiny grill :)

  3. My son would know what kind of car; but great picture of the leaf!


  4. Those are both pretty cool shots! You were lucky to have spotted that.

  5. Well-spotted. Love that car, too! Elegante!

  6. Neat shot! I wouldn't have realized that was a car grill if you hadn't posted the second picture.

  7. Beautiful detail, I love the contrast between the leaf and the metal.

  8. I would have had no idea what kind of car it was. It makes for two fascinating images!

  9. Both of these are super shot, Sharon!

  10. That reddish orange leaf sure stands out. I didn't recognize the car. I should have. There are many around here.

  11. Now wait a minute. Which one of you hopped on for a spin around town?

  12. That leaf definitely makes for some great "autumn" photos!
