Saturday, November 1, 2014

Theme Day: Landmarks

The November 1st theme for City Daily Photo bloggers is "Landmark" and what better Phoenix landmark is there than Tovrea Castle.  Do you remember back in 2010 and 2011 when I spent quite a lot of time here helping the city get it ready to open to the public?  I probably mentioned sometime back then how this place sits atop a hill on the south side of Phoenix right in the flight path for Sky Harbor International Airport.  When I spent all those years doing consulting work in other cities, I always knew I was home when I peeked out the airplane window and spotted the castle as we approached for a landing.  So not only is a city landmark but it's a personal landmark for me too.  If you don't remember this place, click here and you will see some of the many posts I did about the place back then.  The post from June 10, 2010 tells the story of the castle.

If you want to see how other city daily photo bloggers depict "landmark" for their cities click here.


  1. I like the way you got the plane in there. It definitely adds something to the shot. I'd love to visit this castle - it looks neat!

  2. Quite a pic!
    First time I see the Castle in this color...

  3. Lots to see here, you have framed the castle perfectly with those two planes!

  4. ... and with two planes too. They only add to your framing.

  5. Great shot of the castle! I like you have observed the castle from the plane on my return to Phoenix and felt home again. The cacti around the castle are really neat!

  6. Beautifully captured, truly memorable landmark!

  7. What an interesting landmark! and a well composed shot.

  8. Good choice and how cool that you caught two planes coming in for a landing at the same time!

  9. Quite a beautiful structure, Sharon, and I like that it feels like it fits in well with the terrain.

  10. This is an incredible photo! Brava!
    It looks wonderfully exotic to me!

  11. Love the shot, Sharon! I remember your posts very well.

  12. We've been to Phoenix a number of times and I don't remember seeing this. Having Southwest Airlines in the foreground is appropriate.

  13. Now, how did I know you would pick Tovrea Castle? I also had the botanical garden as a possibility.

  14. Oh, this is a gorgeous shot, Sharon ! Brava !

  15. This appears to be your very own Phoenix Landmark!

  16. Love the composition here. If ever I get the chance to fly into Phoenix, would love to see this spot from the sky.

  17. It is lovely Sharon! It must be beautiful from the air too.

  18. Amazing timing and I love the Saguaro 'forest'!

  19. You could not have made a better choice Sharon, an iconic building for so many reasons.
