Monday, November 10, 2014

Between the folds..

Several of you asked to see some of the art close up so I am obliging.  These are all from the "Between the Folds" challenge.  The one on the right is called "Corazon in the Folds" by Barry Farmer.  I especially liked the piece above by Ted Wolter from our Art Challenge Group.  It's call "The Brain and the Hot Dog Folds".  From this side you see the hot dog and....

...from this side you see the brain.  Very clever!

Here are a few more.  On the let is "Sofie Between the Folds" by Ann Osgood, "Ventilator" by Robert Rosselli, my piece called "Lurking between the Folds" (a closer view is below) and "Anticipation between the Folds" by Laura Cohen-Hogan.

And here is a closer version of my photo.  I was deep in the process of moving when this challenge came our way and I think it was all the things I found lurking in closets and drawers and other corners of the house flavored this choice.  I saw a stack of dinner napkins sitting on the table and ready to be boxed up and I decided to place some eyes lurking between the folds of the napkins watching me.

I'll show you some of the art from the second challenge "Simulacrum" tomorrow.


  1. Thanks for obliging...
    Quite a talented group.
    I simply love "Lurking between the Folds" yours of course, pretty clever.
    "The Brain and the Hot Dog Folds" is fabulous.

  2. Your piece is very clever, Sharon!

  3. All very clever. I'm glad you have shown them. I don't know how you found the time to do that picture with all that was going on but it is great.

  4. Ha! I like your choice. Given what you were involved in... it works well!

  5. Oh, I love that Lurking Between The Folds painting!

  6. Love the idea of two paintings in one! And your photo is very very nice!

  7. Very nice. I love your photo, but those eyes are a little disconcerting!

  8. I looked at the photos first and then went back to read the text. You might be pleased to learn that the one that I admired was yours!

  9. Nice work Sharon, captivating and quirky image :)
