Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Bright Colors

I spotted these colorful balloons outside of a small restaurant and I actually turned into the parking lot of the place just to take a photo of them.  I guess I'm really drawn by bright colors.  So, I thought I'd share them with you and maybe brighten up your Tuesday (or Wednesday for those down under).

I'm deep in moving mode this week.  The movers come on Friday and I still have lots to do.  At this stage, I can't wait for next week when it will all be done.  Well, all except some unpacking.  I'm sure I'll be doing that for the next few weeks.


  1. I am a guy that prefers colour photo over B&W. The bright beautiful colours of this one suits me just fine.

  2. Olga is terrified of balloons. I won't show her this post. :)

  3. Very bright and colourful, good luck with your packing!

  4. Today, when I woke up, everything was gray... thank you for the beautiful colors!

  5. Serendipity? The balloons were there for you to see and to celebrate your move. I obviously missed something; have you told us about your move?

  6. It makes a nice bright photo!
    It will be a hectic few days for you.

  7. Love the colours Sharon. Moving home can be so stressful, but exciting also, are you moving very far from where you are now?

  8. I always am drawn to colour too, Sharon!

  9. Love this rainbow!

    Moving isn't much fun at that stage...

  10. Moving? Me, too, but mine will be seasonal and I am the mover. Back from Italy, one day to do the laundry and fill the car, and off I go! I hope your move goes smoothly.
