Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Lots and lots of rain

Sometime around 2:30 AM, I was awakened by the sound of wind and rain slamming into my bedroom window.  I got up to look out and saw rain coming down in sheets, sideways from the south.  The remnants of hurricane Norbert had made it's way into the valley and it left behind quite a bit of damage, mostly to cars that got caught in flooded streets and highways.  In fact, all of the major highways in and out of Phoenix were closed in places yesterday while clean up crews siphoned off the water and towed away the flooded cars.  I watched the news and saw just how bad it was in some places.  The photo above was taken in a parking lot not far from where I live.

There was no damage at my house and the water stayed outside where it belongs.

The above photo is from the parking lot of the Safeway store near my house.  Since water drainage isn't a priority in the desert, many places don't have the drain facilities to accommodate so much water when it comes down at that rate.  They cleared the highways pretty quickly but it might be a day or two before the parking lots are water free.


  1. The flooding made the news in Canada last night. Glad to hear things were okay for you.

  2. Wow! I had no idea it was even possible for the remnants of a hurricane to reach Phoenix. The desert plants must be happy, at least.

  3. This remarkable because of its unusual occurrence. Glad that your area did not sustain a lot of damage. Water is an interesting commodity since either too much or too little can do tremendous damage. Yet it is so essential. Hope you have a terrific birthday today!! Stay dry, except during dinner!!

  4. The reflections in the water are nice :-)
    Happy Birthday, Sharon, best wishes from South Tyrol !

  5. Yes, you've made the national news. Water, water... everywhere.
    Be careful what you wish for, huh.

  6. Glad to hear you are not personally affected by the flooding. Sending good thoughts to those who are.

  7. I have seen mention in our news here about the rain there. I thought you might be making mention of it today.

  8. Glad you are okay, Sharon! And it seems that it is your birthday - have a GREAT day!

  9. Oh wow, that must have been frightening. I'm glad no one was hurt and that you have had no damage.

  10. I was worried. Glad that you managed to avoid the worst of the storm.

  11. I kept watching the news and could not belive the photos.

  12. I'm glad I caught you on your birthday! I saw the pictures on national news last night of the Phoenix storm. It was incredible!

  13. Terrible, the car park looks like a lake!

  14. Wow! We are used to that kind of weather here, but that is awful. So far this year, the tropical weather has steered clear of us, but I am probably jinxing it by saying that.

  15. Back in 1970 when I was in labor on labor day and Rog was born, there was a storm from the remnants of hurricane Rita. I remember that 20 people drowned in Arizona that day.

  16. I've seen on the news, especially Scottsdale. The planet is really mad at us.

  17. It's so frightening when the weather is like that, we had similar a week or so ago Sharon.. glad all is ok!
