Tuesday, September 23, 2014


This guy was hovering over my house over the weekend.  I went outside to see what the noise was all about and saw this guy and two others all hovering in the sky.  I quickly deduced that there must have been an accident near by and all the local news stations were on the case.  Three of these whirly-birds in close proximity make a LOT of noise.  I turned on the TV and found out that fortunately, no one was injured but, a car had run over the curb knocking down a traffic light and a street light on it's way into a parking lot.  Good job that he missed people and other cars entirely.


  1. Eye in the sky, over here we have the police copters and flying ambulance go by along with the RAF

  2. Nice catch here Sharon, you shoukd have kept this one for the next theme day..

  3. I'm glad no one was injured. It doesn't really sound like an accident of such magnitude that it demanded helicopter coverage!

  4. Good shot! They are a bit noisy when they get close. I see the one from the hospital near us most days.

  5. I always find it a bit spooky when they are circling around overhead!

  6. I don't know if any of the local stations have helicopters in the air here, but I doubt it. We do see medivacs regularly around.

  7. You really got a great shot of this helicopter Sharon! It always makes me a little nervous to see one directly overhead.

  8. I'll never forget that horrible accident right before we left.

  9. When stories like that are featured on the TV news, I let out a sigh of relief. Too often we see really horrible things on TV news.

  10. Glad the story had a happy end. Great shot!

  11. Even with a happy ending, I dislike seeing those 'copters in the sky.
