Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Four Seasons.....comfort

The lobby of the Four Seasons resort is decidedly Southwestern Style with lots of leather and big pillows.  There was even a fire burning in that fireplace which surprised me since the temperature outside was right at the 100 (38c) mark when I was there.

I spent a lot of time admiring the artwork around the facilities.  Almost all of the paintings were of the plant life found in the desert and since I enjoy taking photos of the very same vegetation, it was wonderful to see these almost photo-like paintings.

I was tempted to sit for a while in one of these big, comfy chairs but, I kept on moving around the next corner.  I'll have a few more photos tomorrow.


  1. I have never been there. It seems rather decadent to have a fireplace going when it is 100 degrees outside. But it is a Four Seasons, after all. Maybe they should call it Seasonal Denial.

  2. Looks like a cool place, cool as in not 38c!

  3. What fun to go there. I find this to be a signature place for the Phoenix area. Want to stay there!

  4. Lovely place and a wonderful addition to the Phoenix resort market.

  5. Looks very comfortable, I should visit this place... one time...

  6. Only in America would you have a fireplace going when it was 100 degrees outside! Too funny!

    This place is lush and plush and I'm afraid I would have had to sit awhile in those comfy chairs!

    BTW, did you mean to say "Raiders of the Last Ark" 'cause that's pretty funny! :)

  7. Must admit I would have been tempted to sit awhile in one of those comfy leather chairs Sharon.. the decor is like the outside, perfectly suited to its environment.

  8. Love that painting in the last pic!

  9. This would certainly APPEAL to me.

  10. Great looking place, I have seen fireplaces on in the heat of the summer. I guess " the look" is valuable no matter the cost of the elec. bill.

  11. Looks nice and comfortable. I don't think I would like to see a fire in the fireplace when it's so hot outside though.

  12. Very nice. Love the paintings too.

  13. Looks like a beautiful place, both outside and in -- which I guess is to be expected for a Four Seasons. I think they need to put that fire out, though. That's a little ridiculous when it's 100 degrees outside.
