Wednesday, June 4, 2014


The downtown Phoenix campus of Arizona State University is growing like crazy but three of the buildings that have been integrated into the campus are historical buildings that are listed on the Register of National Historic places.  The three buildings used to be home of Phoenix Union High School.  The school closed in 1982 and the buildings housed offices for a period of time.  In 2007, the University of Arizona bought and refurbished the buildings to become part of the school's College of Medicine.  You might notice that distinctive red, white and blue "A" on the sign to the left of the building above.  This building was once the High School's Sciences Hall.

This building housed the auditorium.

And this building was listed as the domestic arts building.

This new building to the left is located right behind the the historic building above and houses joint medical education facilities for the two schools, ASU and UA.

So even though ASU and UA are friendly rivals, the two are sharing space on the downtown campus.  You can see the initials for both schools on the side of this building.


  1. It is a pleasure to see grow to universities because that indicates a clear and hopeful future.


  2. A very impressive and imposing collection of buildings!

  3. Oh for crying out loud. Talk about memories. That's where I did my student teaching back so many years ago. Wow! The old high school looks better now than it did then!

  4. I definitely prefer the older buildings, especially since they have columns!

  5. Chet's parents moved to Phoenix for a few years so that is where he went to high school and graduated from.
    And right across the street is where we took Rog the day he went off to boot camp.

  6. So good to see these lovely old buildings still being used for education purposes Sharon, it just seems right that they are a place of learning..

  7. Great for down town Phoenix!

  8. A set of gorgeous buildings!

  9. It's great to see the old buildings restored and reused!

  10. I hope they keep them for a long time to come!

  11. They certainly look more appealing than the high school I went to. Good to know that the university's taken them on and given them new life. The buildings are quite distinctive.

  12. These are all wonderful classical buildings. I am surprised to see classical architecture in Phoenix. It is such a new city that I thought this period would have been bypassed. That shows how little I know!

  13. I had quite a few friends who attended high school there.

  14. How nice to see ASU and UA working together. These two buildings are beautiful.

  15. I've always loved those three stately Phoenix Union buildings.

  16. Wonderful use of those beautiful buildings!
