Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Smooth moves....

In front of the Microsoft store at Scottsdale Fashion Square is a large screen TV that is constantly playing exercise and dance videos, the kind you move along with.  These two guys are giving it a try and drawing a bit of a crowd while they are at it.  I didn't stay long enough to hear if they drew any applause when they were done.

Tomorrow is May 1st....are you ready for "Squares"?


  1. Tell me that you tried it yourself!!

    Squares? I am MORE than ready!!

  2. You got to be good at that to draw a crowd.

  3. It would be kind of fun to watch but I wouldn't want to do it myself.

  4. Oh yeh, fun! Not sure if I'd do it in public though Sharon :) Anything that gets young people moving instead of sitting is fine by me.

  5. I'm too shy to try that in public! ;-)

  6. I couldn't try that... though I've messed around with a screen that shows everything in thermal colours at one of our museums.

    Almost set, aside from putting in the link for the theme into my blog for tomorrow.

  7. The Wall Street Journal had an article about classes for those people who play wallflower around the edge of the dance floor. That would be me.
