Thursday, April 10, 2014

Famous Pins

After viewing the Hollywood Costume exhibit, the Arts & Flowers displays, and the Bonsai trees, I headed to another gallery where another temporary exhibit was on view.  This one is called "Read My Pins" and it's all about the enormous collection of jewelry pins owned and worn by Madeleine Albright.  She was well known in political circles for always wearing some type of pin on her clothing, often matching the pin to the event or the personalities of the people she would meet.  The collection was fun to see but, the stories that went with the pins were simply fascinating.

So fascinating in fact, that I bought the book that goes with it.

I love this quote from the book "This is a collection that has been amplified and enriched by the events that have engaged their owner, providing a visible record of past experiences and future hopes."

If this exhibits makes it's way to your town, I recommend it.  It's a sort of whimsical way to look at historic events that we all read or heard about in the news.

So now I've reviewed four special exhibits going at the museum last weekend.  I'm not done yet, I still have more to show you.  Stay tuned tomorrow.


  1. It is a unique way to explore history; thanks for the recommendation.

  2. I've read about her pins before but didn't know there was an exhibit and a book. I doubt the exhibit will make it to rural East Texas but I'd love to see them.

  3. How fun is that! So glad you have shown this. Glad you bought the book too, cause I can borrow it sometime.
    More to come? You were busy that day!

  4. Ms. Albright would have an enormous amount of experiences that she could "pin." And I imagine the book would a wonderful way to review recent history.

    I've still got a few pins from the old days - just don't know where they are! :)

  5. I didn't know that about her affection for pins!

    I've got a couple of Canadian flag pins.

  6. Interesting, nice collection :)

  7. A super idea! Glad you bought the book, Sharon.

  8. I never noticed. Well, ok, I didn't meet her all that often... A different view of modern history, very intersting.

  9. Hum, I wish I would have seen this exhibit. Nice history and love the pins.

  10. That would be a interesting book.

  11. interesting! I love that eagle pin :D

  12. This would be interesting, but, frankly, probably more interesting to the women than the guys.

  13. Interesting posting. And a clever woman!
