Friday, March 28, 2014

Rose Garden

I've shown Roses from the rose garden at Steele Indian School Park but, I don't think I've ever shown the fountain that runs down the middle of the park with the rose bushes on each side.

This time of year, the bushes are bursting with all colors of roses.  This section was all red.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today and the photo to the left is a little teaser for that post.  I didn't have to travel far to find this unique spot.


  1. That's a very impressive fountain, reminds me a little of the 'limousine' swimming pool at the National Hotel in Miami!

  2. very nice I do like standard roses and the fountain looks great shown off nby them, You went to one of the Greek islands then

  3. Such a lovely place! But remember, I never promised you a rose garden! I guess that's why you had to find one on your own! :) Love the macro!

  4. A lovely combination: fountain and roses. I'll have to go to your link. I"m guessing it's a Greek Orthodox church. Will see if I"m right. There is one just outside of Santa Fe in Eldorado and its architecture is a bit startling at first but I love it.

  5. Phoenix really does have beautiful roses.

  6. I have driven past Indiana School park hundreds of times, but have never gone into it. Thanks for showing me what Ihave been missing by not taking time to smell the roses.

  7. That's a gorgeous rose garden, Sharon! We are still waiting for our first spring flower here.

  8. My favourite summer flowers, hope the perfume was as pretty as the blooms Sharon.

  9. Impressive fountain, especially now when it is adorned with roses!

  10. Oh this is absolutely gorgeous Sharon!

    The teaser looks very Greek to me but that can't be!

  11. It is a nice, symmetrical image, Sharon.

  12. Great close-up of the red rose!
