Sunday, February 2, 2014

Perfect light

Friday was very cloudy here in the normally sunny southwest.  Those solid, grayish clouds aren't very good for taking landscape and architectural photos but, it's perfect for taking portraits, and flowers and most close-up shots.

So I took advantage of the light and spent and hour or so wandering around a large nursery.  I wasn't sure they would like me taking photos instead of buying but they seemed okay with it.  In fact one sales person said "it's a perfect day for taking photos, isn't it?"  Yes, it was perfect.  The two above are amaryllis.  I'll fit in some of the others I took on another day.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  Pilgrimage is the subject of this post.


  1. Gorgeous detail, and colours!

  2. I used to stop by Whitfill's for flower pics. They were always very tolerant of me walking around snapping pics of their stock.

  3. Ya got me thinking Easter. Thinking spring.

  4. It is not just the light that is perfect. It is the focus.

    Speaking of perfect light, did you see the sunset last evening? Unfortunately, we did not have a camera.

    We will see you today for the Super Bowl.

  5. Very pretty! You never know what will happen when you start taking pictures in a business.

  6. These are beautiful shots Sharon!

  7. Dave was just complaining today that our amaryllis look so terrible...they're still in winter hibernating mode. But I said, give them another month. :)

  8. Perfect exposures, tack-sharp, fantastic colors. Can't ask for anything more! Kudos to you!

  9. Beautiful flowers and shots, Sharon!

  10. Gasp, I'd so love to see this in person! Beautiful blooms, they'd brighten up any polar vortex month:)

  11. Beautiful but boy do they make me sneeze.

  12. Super macros Sharon.. I love it when I get a chance to wander around a garden nursery, especially in spring.
