Sunday, January 12, 2014


There is a new restaurant not far from where I live called Taco Guild and it's occupying a building that was once a church.  They kept the stained glass windows when they remodeled and added their own church-like touches such as candelabras, angels and murals.  They serve an interesting array of tacos in some very non-traditional formats like steak with blue cheese and lamb with creole aioli.  

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  This time I explore a cemetery from the Victorian era.


  1. I love repurposed church buildings, though sometimes they seem a little sad, too. The old Episcopal church in New York City that became the Limelight nightclub, for example, was always a bit down-at-heel, and it seemed inherently inappropriate to have all that partying and debauchery going on there.

    This remodel, however, is especially nice.

  2. Interesting. I have never seen or heard of a church converted into a restaurant.

  3. Great conversion idea!

  4. Going here and entering the establishment must be a real experience! Am interested in the pictures,too.

  5. Our group at the office just decided to schedule a lunch there.

  6. It looks nice the way they have it decorated. Now I'm wondering what the outside looks like.

  7. Interesting and nice make over.

  8. At least the building is still used and not torn down

  9. Looks like a good place to eat in.

  10. Tacos have been on my "favorites" list for years so I'd enjoy this place a lot! You do have some unique and interesting restaurants in Phoenix!

  11. Looks great, Sharon! I'd go in there for sure - next time I'm out there. ;-)

  12. Isn't it remarkable how many churches have been repurposed into commercial and residential uses? This one looks good.

  13. This looks like the old Bethal Methodist church on the corner of 7th st and Osborn. I heard they were having problems when we left. Happy to see that they repurposed the building.

  14. What an incredible repurposing - I like what they've done! (Also, blue cheese and lamb sounds most intriguing, if you try you must let us know what you think:)

  15. Looks fantastic Sharon, love that they kept the windows.. for me the only thing that spoils it are the TV screens :)

  16. I love your pithy titles. I am going to have to become more inventive.

  17. That is an amazing space. It looks quite appealing.

  18. I'll have to remember to try this place the next time I'm in Phoenix.
