Monday, January 6, 2014

My Fine Feathered Friends

My favorite Peach-faced Lovebirds have been around lately taking advantage of the supply of wild bird seed I've stocked up on.  It's nice to see that they share their food with other birds in the neighborhood.  This one appears to be wondering what I'm doing with that funny black box in front of my face.

"Oh, it's a camera.  I had better pose nicely so she'll buy more bird seed."


  1. Those love birds are the sweetest things ever.

  2. Beautiful, happy looking birds!

  3. Oh, these are lovely, nice pose in the second photo :-)

  4. Wish I was there with you enjoying this sweet little community. It is currently -20F with -37F wind chill. We should have left for the Southwest ages ago!!

  5. Not only do we not have those Peach Faced Love Birds here, we don't have the pretty little Inca Doves either. It's so sweet to see them sharing a meal.

  6. I totally love this image Sharon! Aren't they the sweetest little creatures, not like my big Galahs and Corellas! It's so worth feeding the birds for many reasons being able to get shots like this being one of them!

  7. How nice of you to provide seed for the little critters! The lovebirds look a lot like the little green parrots that have overrun southeast Florida! Boy, they make noise!

  8. I think I've told you before that we Peach-faced Lovebirds as pets when I was a kid. They are really intelligent creatures and you have given me a real treat with this pic today, Sharon!

  9. Love, Love, Love the Love Birds. You got some great shots!

  10. I have never seen birds like this except in cages in a pet store. It must be cool seeing them on your own bird feeder.

  11. I agree with Jack. With the fine meals you are providing, I imagine that they are regulars at that meal table!


  12. Lovely! I wish I had such colourful visitors.
