Friday, January 17, 2014

Icy streets in Phoenix??

I found big chunks of ice on Central Avenue in downtown Phoenix on Wednesday.  No, we didn't have a freak ice storm.  Remember that ice skating rink I featured back on December 21st?  They were taking it apart on Wednesday and I happened to be there to see the ice all broken up on the street.  My friend Janet who works downtown said they were using jack-hammers to break it up earlier in the day.

And, I guess they started jack-hammering while the freezer coils (pictured in rolls in the photo to the left) were still in place.  I wonder how they manage not to damage the coils while hammering away at the ice.


  1. You had real ice, over here they use some fake plastic stuff

  2. I thought you had popped up to Canada, for a moment!

  3. This has to be a sign that spring is about to arrive in Phoenix.

  4. They must have been in a hurry to remove the ice. They could just turn off the cooling coils and wait a while.

  5. Does this mean your winter is truly ending for you? Ah, I'm envious!:) Love the jagged icy texture...

  6. Not often does one see ice of any kind in Phoenix! You ask some good questions re the coils. I have no answers. :)

  7. That's a little bit sad Sharon, I would have thought at least another month of skating !

  8. I was wondering the same thing as Dave. It would have been much easier to just turn off the coils and let it melt. It wouldn't have taken long in the nice temps you have been having.

  9. Dave's idea sounded better, but you got a fun photo this way.

  10. It does make for appealing images, but it'll be a long, long while before skating stops here!

    Shall we export some cold weather to your part of the continent?

  11. It does look as if some of the coils have been bent. If only our winter was over!

  12. Funny...thought I missed some great news or something. Great shots. Aloha

  13. Left to the Phoenix sun it's shouldn't be around long.

  14. Too bad the rink was removed because your December post looked like it was great fun to skate in such comfortable temperatures. Guess spring is on its way!

  15. This reminds me of the (real!)hailstorm we had a few days ago.
