Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Chihuly and Neon

I made a night visit to the Desert Botanical Garden last week and I finally got a few photos of the Chihuly neon display that runs up the mountain that shadows the garden.  

Posting this photo has triggered a question.  Has anyone else noticed that blogger automatically lightens nighttime photos when you post them?  I had to post this photo four times, the last time after I added some heavy contrast to it in order to get it to look similar to what I took.  It's still not right but, this is better than the first three.  I don't know about you, but I wish blogger would let me edit my photos and not the other way around.


  1. What a striking photo of a striking piece of work - despite blogger's attempts to spoil it!

  2. Definitely Sharon, I noticed that ages ago but thought I was imagining it! Your picture looks super vibrant but it is a pain that we have to heighten the colour.

  3. Blogger always had problems but it got much worse after Google took it over. Google is trying to run the world!

    This is certainly an interesting display...reminds me a bit of some Native American designs.

  4. I'd love to see this myself. Wish I could talk DH into a road trip to Phoenix after we arrive in Santa Fe on the first of February. I'll keep trying since I'd also love to meet you, too.

    Blogger is easy to use but so frustrating at times.

  5. The night photos that Julie showed the past few days from the Chihuly exhibition were washed out on her site and were much more vibrant in the computer. Now we know why.

  6. What an amazing sight and capture! And yes, I noticed that about blogger too - and all along thought it was my computer or account playing up! Makes one wonder about all the other things google does behind the scenes...

  7. Chihuly does neon?! I had no idea!

    YES -- I did notice this about Blogger. It just started a month or two ago, and I did some research and discovered how to disable it. You have to create a Google-plus account with your Blogger log-in details and disable some kind of auto-enhance function in photo preferences. I don't remember the step-by-step process but you can Google it, and it DOES work.

  8. Your work paid off, it looks very dramatic in the dark!

  9. This is very different from most of the pieces I have seen.
    I have been having trouble with blogger for a while now.

  10. I'm not a blogger but can see how the blogger editing could be a frustration. This is a beautiful shot of one of my favorites!

  11. Thanks Steve for the Google+ tip. I found the setting and disabled it!

  12. I must also find that Google+ tip...!
    It is still a beautiful photo, I'd love to see this in reality.

  13. It's an eye catching display!

    I'll have to remember that Google+ tip...

  14. Cool display!
    I sometimes have a pic I think is great, post it , and then it looks nothing like the original.

  15. Interesting but I like his other works best.

  16. Lovely works by Chihuly and very interesting comment about night time photos. Thanks to Steve for providing the answer to your misery but gosh, what is it with them trying to solve the problems that we DON'T HAVE??? It's a scary world we're moving into.

  17. This is quite unusual for Chihuly. I think I like their more traditional glass works. I saw neon Chihuly works before in Providence and Columbus, but I don't think it hits the mark.

    I have not noticed the issue with Blogger that has been discussed here, but I will keep an eye out for it. If/when I encounter it, I hope I remember to search today's comments for the solution.
