Monday, December 2, 2013

Urban Living

These condos are located just one block from the Phoenix Art Museum and one block from Central Avenue.  I have always loved the look of these units which I bet were originally built as apartments.

I wouldn't mind living here.  There is something about that 1950's art deco look that I find very appealing.


Billy Blue Eyes said...

I'll give you that. Remind me of some a friend of mine lived in near Boston

cath carbone said...

Très joli post!
Merci de ta visite et de tes gentils commentaires sur mes pages, Merci, bonne journée!

Anonymous said...

Looks like your little doggy pal has headed indoors!

Kathy said...

I like these too and know exactly where they are. I understand a particularly well-known political figure lived here not too long ago and the other residents liked the extra security that necessitated.

Kathy said...
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Kathy said...
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Kathy said...
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Kate said...

It looks very inviting. I think most of us would not being spending some time there. Great color, simple, neat landscaping and garages. If I lived in a condo, a balcony would be a necessity. Where else could I grow my herbs. Yup, I could live there. Call me if you see a vacancy sign!!

Thérèse said...

Nice though I am wondering about the cooling bill in summer! said...

In addition to being very close to the Art Museum and the Heard Museum, these are now only a block or two from a light rail stop on Central Avenue, making downtown a quick ride away.

Judy said...

I recognize those condos! I've seen them many times. My dog would jump off the balcony if he saw a cat.

RedPat said...

I like them too and I bet the quality of construction is good!

William Kendall said...

It looks like a very distinctive place!


I love that look too - they look like they're better made than many buildings today for sure!

Randy said...

I love these condos. I remember looking at them prior to buying my home in Willo.

Unknown said...

I also love the 50's look!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Very retro Sharon and from what Dave said, they're in an excellent location also. Would be interesting to see inside!

Steve Reed said...

Those are great. They look very well-maintained (which sadly is not the case with a lot of '50s buildings) and I like the sleek, simple look. I can't think what they might cost in London!

I lived in an apartment in college in Florida that looked a lot like this, actually.