Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Something old and something new

I had a photo of these holiday decorations last year but last year the photo was taken after dark when they were lit up.  You can see it here.   This year I did some shopping on Saturday during the day so I saw them in the daylight.  I have to admit, I like them better lit at night.

The new thing I noticed was the bar below in the mall.  That's a new addition.

Gentleman:  maybe a little cocktail while your wife is shopping.  Ladies:  maybe something sparkly to get you in the holiday shopping mood.  Cocktail anyone?

I didn't this time but, that doesn't mean I won't give it a try sometime soon.  My favorite movie theatre is just across the parking lot so I'd say this might be a good pre-movie or after movie spot.


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Looks familiar, a scene reflected over here as well

cath carbone said...

Lovely post!
Have a nice day-

William Kendall said...

The decoration is lovely. Having the ceiling be a skylight makes for a dramatic shot.

Anonymous said...

The bar is clearly a very popular distraction, or addition!

Dave-CostaRicaDailyPhoto.com said...

If you were there last Saturday, I missed you. I ran into the mall for about 6:00 pm to get a few things while waiting for our carry out dinner to be ready at P.F. Chang's across the street.

Next time you will be so close to our house, give us a call!

Judy said...

They do look a lot different when lit up. Much more festive.

Karl said...

Really a nice place for a shopping trip.

RedPat said...

I agree with you - the night time is the best for them! The bar seems like a good idea after a hard day shopping - take a cab home, though.

WiseTioga said...

Sharon, I also like the older lite up version better, however, you did a fine jobe with the daylight version. I have to tell you that of all the Daily photo sites that I have looked at so far (two or three dozen) I find that yours is far and away the best of the bunch. More interesting subjects, better composition, better color, better overall exicution. Go Gal.


This really sounds the perfect place - I'll take a cocktail *and* indulge in retail therapy:)

Randy said...

A great place to people watch.

Sharon said...

Wise Tioga, thank you for those kind words. It's always nice to get a little encouragement, I appreciate it.

Thérèse said...

Sit down and observe the "crazy world " around would me my thing.