Sunday, December 1, 2013

Theme Day - Looking Out

This cute little guy was watching me take photos from the ground below his second floor balcony.  I like the way he positioned himself in the center of that circle made by the balcony trim.  I was taking photos around an art deco condo complex very near downtown Phoenix.  Tomorrow I'll show you more of the historic building.
To see how other City Daily Photo bloggers have depicted this month's theme, click here.

23 comments: said...

He looks well trained and alert. This is not a child-proof balcony railing, but it is attractive.

cath carbone said...

Merci pour ce partage ! superbe post.
Bon dimanche ! Have a nice day- Cath.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

With one ear cocked like that he seems to be listening out as well as looking out.

Anonymous said...

Great pose... and capture!

Karl said...

Really cute, good choice, Sharon!

Kate said...

A very photogenic pooch and one who poses beautifully in just the right location for you. He must have been "looking out " for you and his 15 sec of fame on CDP!

Mersad said...

Reminds me of my Beni. So cute!

Mersad Donko Photography

Judy said...

what a cute dog, and posed perfectly! I will be interested to see the building.

Nathalie H.D. said...

How's that for framing? Well done!

Kathy said...

What a little cutie, with one ear all perky and the other one floppy!

LOLfromPasa said...

Gosh, that is just darling. I love dogs and the position of that one is picture perfect.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

He is cute

RedPat said...

He's a cutie!

Birdman said...

Ya, the cocked ear makes this one. Sometimes photos just happen.

William Kendall said...

Awww, who's a good boy?


This is my good side, he seems to be saying - he is adorable and makes for lovely looking out capture! (Also love the art deco:)

Randy said...

What a cutie.

Jim said...

Good theme day post.

Thérèse said...

How well framed!

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

He looks very intelligent. Nice photo.

Unknown said...

So cute! :-)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Too cute Sharon and what a champ for posing like this :) Gorgeous shot for the theme.

Steve Reed said...

He looks like he's about to jump through the hoop!