Thursday, December 5, 2013

Feeding Frenzy

Last Sunday afternoon I went to the Japanese Friendship Garden to enjoy a walk in the warm weather.  While I was there, I saw the water churning below the little bridge and I realized that a young couple were feeding the koi.  I walked over to snap a few pictures of the feeding frenzy that ensued.

While I was snapping a few shots, a couple of ducks swam over to get into the action.  As it turns out, they also enjoy the koi food.  Every now and then, one of the bigger fish would give one of the ducks a little push but, that didn't seem to deter their enthusiasm.


Billy Blue Eyes said...

I love seeing the feeding frenzy with Koi, they seem to be one mas of writhing fish gulping food and the odd finger that gets in the way

Anonymous said...

Fantastic, looks like fish soup... brave pair of ducks too!!

Andy said...

It seems to me that all koi go into a feeding frenzy when food is dropped into the water. You did a great job in capturing the colours. said...

What has happened to their table manners. Where are their mothers?

Kate said...

Spectacular color and action. Our Como Park Conservatory has a pond with koi but I've never seen such bright and vivid colors such as this!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gosh you got two super shots here Sharon.. It's not that easy to capture the 'food frenzy' :))

cath carbone said...

Des couleurs extraordinaires, c'est magnifique!
Very nice post!
Thanks & Welcome for your comment and your visit to my blogs.
Have a nice day! Cath.

Judy said...

That is a lot of fish! They are huge too!

Karl said...

The koi are very beautiful, but also very expensive ...
The last time I saw a group of them was in Kobe.

William Kendall said...

Amazing colours in these fish!

RedPat said...

Those ducks could lose a 'toe' in there, Sharon! ;-))


It's pretty fun to watch them go into their feeding frenzies - they sure love their food:) These are lovely captures!

Randy said...

They look a little crowded.

Catalyst said...

Absolutely amazing photos!

Unfortunately it reminds me of our country.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Beautiful and grotesque at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Amazing photos...

Steve Reed said...

Koi are beautiful...until you see their faces up close!

Unknown said...

Koi are amazing and can even look quite scary sometimes! :-) Wonderful captures.