Thursday, November 21, 2013

Glass among the Grass

Actually, I think those are cat-tails and reeds, not grass but that didn't rhyme so I took a little license.  I think I've shown photos of this little watering hole at the Desert Botanical Garden before but, not with a boat full of Chihuly glass floating on it.  I wonder what the frogs and toads think of this colorful display now floating in their playground.


  1. Beautiful with the colors reflections on the water. What a wonderful show!I am pretty sure frogs, toads and ducks will have their own show as soon as the path is closed at night...

  2. A very imaginative place to display this sculpture, like a rainbow on the water!

  3. The first thing to pop into my head was Moses. The second thing was Charlton Heston. I hope I'm not spoiling you art display... it's just the way I think.

  4. This might be my favourite shot of all you've shown us of the Chihuly exhibits in the Desert Gardens. It's absolutely wonderful, Sharon!

  5. Lovely, lovely, lovely. . .what more can I say: Chihuly, the Botanical garden and your creative photos. Love this!

  6. I made a comment about the fountain that pumps water and creates the ripples in this pond, which reduce what would otherwise be a mirror-like reflection. A person who works at the Garden told me that they cannot turn off the fountain to still the water because the fountain and thus the ripples in the water are part of Chihuly's installation and they cannot change a thing, of course.

  7. It looks beautiful tucked in with the reeds. I wonder if it is lit at night.

  8. I agree with all above Sharon, this is a fabulous setting, super reflections as a bonus!

  9. Very nice, colorful and eye-catching, also for the frogs, I suppose.

  10. He certainly orchestrates incredible installations!

  11. This is so great. These colors are just delightful!
