Tuesday, July 16, 2013


It's monsoon season in Arizona, the time of year when clouds build up all around the valley and the possibility of rain and/or dust storms is in the air.  So far, Phoenix has been slighted when it comes to rain.  There has been some rain in the outlying suburbs but very, very little in Phoenix.

The flags in Arizona are still at half staff for the 19 firefighters who lost their lives late last month.


  1. The tragedy of the fire fighters must make this the worst season ever. I have a friend who as a firefighter has often helped in the American fire season. I assume it will take quite some time to train another team to the level of these guys.

  2. The distant clouds do look very threatening,

  3. Blue and green ... Beautiful contrast of colors :))
    A kiss.

  4. Just like you we are getting a lot more cloud formations than we have had in previous years. They make for great backgrounds in you photos.

  5. I admired these clouds from my office window yesterday.

  6. 'Tis a gorgeous park and like JM, I'm impressed by the clouds! Sorry you've missed the rain. We get the same thing here...huge thunderstorms in the afternoon, usually rolling in off the Gulf of Mexico. Yesterday we had a particularly bad one and we lost the Internet overnight and our a/c went out. Fortunately it wasn't a hot night; usually our temps go down into the low 70s at night this time of year.

  7. It looks like a promise on the horizon, but you never know if that promise will be fulfilled. We have been enjoying some afternoon rain showers and the temps go way down. Nights are around 65 now.

  8. I hope you get some rain. We are supposed to have storms again this week but hopefully no floods this time.

  9. I really like these dramatic monsoon skies.

  10. This is pretty. It makes me want to grab a fairway wood and see if I can fade a shot down there to the left.

  11. I hope they brought a good amount of rain.

  12. It's such a tease when clouds like this are so close and so full of promise that doesn't eventuate! Very sad about the firefighters Sharon, they're such brave men.
