Monday, July 22, 2013

Hiking to Sears-Kay Ruins

I found the trail head and parked my car and started on the trek up to the ruins.  It took about 35-40 minutes to reach the site and when I got there this was what I saw.  It certainly wasn't as impressive as the Montezuma's Castle that I posted a couple of months ago.  But, you can make out the rocky outline of the structures that once stood here.  They go all the way up to the top of the hill, 40 rooms altogether.  This site is over 900 years old and was inhabited by the Hohokam people, ancestors of the Pima Indians.  It was discovered in 1897 on the ranch of J. M. Sears (thus the name) but, it wasn't officially recorded until 1929.

It was a much longer hike than I had expected.  I took this photo about three quarters of the way up.  That's the parking area down below and my car looks like a tiny dot just to the right of those two shelters.  I think I'll go back in the winter months when it's not quite so hot to be climbing trails.


  1. This site looks like it Tuzigoot, except it is not ecavated and repaired the way Tuzigoot is to show the rooms more clearly.

  2. Bring water next time too! Looks like a long hot walk.

  3. Are you crazy? Hiking in summer heat? :))

    An interesting place, though, and it does me a bit nostalgic for the Phoenix area.

  4. These excavations give us important historical information. Hiking in winter makes lots more sense!

  5. That's just the right length of time for a walk Sharon, provided it wasn't 40C :)

  6. You were certainly very courageous...
    The ones who built the canals in Phoenix...

  7. I'd wait for winter too! Looks quite desolate there.

  8. That was a very impressive hike, spectacular far reaching views from the top though!

  9. Hi Sharon! You're very funny. And right!

  10. Good bit of history surronding this site.

  11. A midsummer hike in Phoenix? You must have baked.

  12. Wow, what an incredible landscape. It's so different from everything I'm used to!
