Saturday, June 29, 2013

Keep some water handy

Anyone spending time outside in Arizona yesterday had to have some water handy.  Our temperature reached 116 (47c) and it's predicted to reach 118 (48c) today.  Summer has surely arrived in the desert southwest.  It should cool off to 106 (41c) later next week.  It might sound crazy to be looking forward to 106 but, I can't wait.


  1. I love your photo. Well done!

  2. Wow! I remember 112 and I remember coming home from night class at 10:00 when it was still 108, but 116, 118? Zounds! That's just too hot.

    This is a terrific photo! Looks like you got the bird sucking up the water like it's in a straw! :)

    Stay inside and cool!

  3. I was out in Phoenix yesterday, and will be again today. I will think of your photo today. Maybe it will help me feel cooler.

  4. Yikes! Too hot for me. It was over 100 here yesterday but then some clouds rolled in and cooled us back off to the high 80's. We had thunder but no rain reached the ground.

  5. Our news has been talking about your heat - I can't imagine it. No wonder you get out and about so early in the day! Stay cool, Sharon.

  6. 116 here, too, Sharon but the t.v. guys are saying it got to 118. Probably at the airport.

  7. Fantastic photo, Sharon. the ripples circling outward from the bird's feet, the colors and esp the stream of water coming from its beak are great details.

  8. I thought of you when I heard about the outrageous heat in Phoenix. Stay inside and stay cool.

  9. Really a cool shot, Sharon! Well done! I like especially the beautiful light on the water.

  10. HOT! Good to see this little fella finding somewhere to cool off. We are going to California this October, hopefully it will be a lot cooler by then!

  11. Oh my that's horrible Sharon, the weather I mean..the photo is excellent :)

  12. Great timing and what a fabulous capture! The water looks stunning!
    I've heard about the heat in your area and that scares me...
