Monday, June 3, 2013

Emergency Services

I think I've mentioned before that I live about 5 blocks from St. Joseph's Hospital, one of the biggest in Phoenix.  Consequently, I often see medical helicopters flying over my house.  For the most part, they take paths that don't fly directly over homes in the neighborhood but every now and then one passes right over head.  I don't mind, it's rare and I know when it happens that it is really a big emergency.


  1. Great action shot, I can just imagine the noise this must make!

  2. Very cool perspective, Sharon!

  3. Super shot Sharon, every trip they make saves a life hopefully.

  4. Talk about fantastic shots! Looks like you could reach up and touch it. These good folks running the medical helicopters are life-savers in every sense of the word!

  5. Some of those flying over your house might be from out hospital which is also about five blocks from our house. Depending on the injury or illness of course. Sometimes they go to the Flagstaff trauma center.

  6. Emergency services are very important here in the Alps too.
    Cool shot, Sharon!

  7. Nice shot, Sharon. And you have a sensible and healthy attitude. So often people pick homes near hospitals or other public service locations and then complain about minor inconveniences to their comfortable lives.

  8. I always laugh thinking that we had to have been neighbors.

  9. I am sending my prayers for all in the helicopter! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  10. So many advances in technology to help the human race, and this is one of the best practices.
