Sunday, May 26, 2013


Saturday morning, I took a walk at the Japanese Friendship Garden.  The garden is a joint project with Phoenix and Himeji Japan, a sister city of Phoenix.  The name RO HO En comes from:

RO  the Japanese word for Heron, the symbol of the Himeji Castle
HO  The Japanese word for the Phoenix Bird
EN  The Japanese word for Garden

 The garden closes for the summer on May 31st so I'm glad I went yesterday.  They will open again in the fall.  Someone maintains the garden all summer but, it's just too hot to keep it open during our scorcher summers.  The garden is located on the edge of downtown Phoenix, very close to where I live.  It's a wonder I don't go there more often.

This beautiful condo building is located just south of the garden and I've often envied the view the residents must have.


  1. Fantastic, that little waterfall just ooze's refreshment!

  2. Lovely spot! Japanese gardens are so beautiful.

  3. At first I was surprised when I read the gardens are closed for the summer. Then I remembered I was once in Phoenix one summer. Yes it is HOT, HOT in the summer.

  4. I can't picture where this is but your pictures show a lovely place to spend some quiet time.

  5. And, the only time I can enjoy our lovely Japanese garden in Como Park is the summer, and it's not long enough. This year it's still to chilly to picnic at the park.

  6. It sounds so bizarre to be closed for the summer - it must be incredibly hot down there!

  7. This must be a fabulous garden. Closing a public garden for the summer? Only in Phoenix.

  8. I always loved walking through there.
