Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ghost Stories

Lately I've been finding some unusual things to do in Phoenix and last night was one such event.  I went on a Phoenix Ghost Tour, a walking tour of downtown Phoenix.  Our group learned some interesting things about some of the older buildings in our downtown like the San Carlos Hotel pictured above.  I've actually toured the San Carlos before when they had a special open house and I learned about all the famous people who have stayed there back in the days when Phoenix was a Hollywood escape.  But, on that tour I didn't hear any of the ghost stories I heard last night.  It seems there are some very strange occurrences that take place in the rooms and halls of this hotel.  And, it's not the only building with stories to tell.  We learned about strange occurrences in quite a few downtown buildings and one sighting that actually takes place right out on the streets and has been witnessed by many people including several policemen.  If you live in the area and are interested, click on the link.  It was a most enjoyable tour that I highly recommend.


  1. Old hotels are just spooky. With or without ghosts!

  2. I don't think we have any fearsome hotels filled with ghosts but we do have the Seven Sisters Inn which is haunted by the seven sisters. Well, that's what "they" tell me.

    I don't think there's a ghost of a chance I believe "them." And I've been through the place!

    Love this night photo! Not too many people around, either. Very nice!

  3. i love ghostly tales, tell us a few. I can't get to do the tour.

  4. these tours are such fun. i try to go on them when i'm in a new city.

  5. Wow! I wish I had known before, it will be for next time.

  6. Oh I just love ghost tours! Sharon we must meet! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  7. I bet that was fun! The San Carlos would be fun to tour, with or without ghosts.

  8. Ghostly good times. Sounds like fun. Sharon.

  9. Sounds like a fun and very interesting tour, great night time shot of the hotel too!

  10. I've heard about the ghosts in the San Carlos for years. But I never took the opportunity to take any of the tours you mention. Just never got into the paranormal stuff I guess. We have lots of ghost stories in the old hotels and Victorian houses here in EAst Texas too.

  11. I have seen ghost tours advertised in many cities but have never gone on one. Maybe I should do it, next time I see one advertised. Phoenix doesn't seem like the kind of city with ghosts.

  12. Ooooo! Spooky Sharon, i prefer not to know about ghosts when I'm staying in a hotel..wouldn't get a wink of sleep :)

  13. Why does 'Shining' comes to my mind? Be aware of Jack Nicholson on your next tour if it includes any other hotel! :-)
