Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Eye Catching Artwork

When I was driving on Scottsdale Road, I noticed these structures on the Paolo Solari bridge and I wondered what they were.  So, I parked the car and walked over the take a look and of course I brought my camera with me.  I couldn't find any information to tell me who the artist is so I did a little investigating via Google and found that this will be part of an event called Canal Convergence and these sculptures are by Kendal Buster .  The event will feature artwork, shopping, learning opportunities, and music.  I believe these might be called "Highrisevessels" by the artist but I can't be sure.


  1. It sounds like it will be an interesting event. Today is the first day of spring...Enjoy the Vernal Equinox!

  2. impressive images of this beautiful installation, both yesterday and today.

  3. I drive by the Soleri bridge often, as it is only a mile from our house, but I have not seen this art installation.

  4. we have not seen this yet. very cool. thanks for sharing

  5. These are great. Must have been a great event.

  6. These are totally awesome...thank you for sharing with me! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  7. Interesting. I wonder if they will light up at night. For some reason they make me think of tumbleweeds.

  8. These look wonderful, Sharon. I love that you just happened upon them!

  9. Very impressive image, nice installation. Are these lit up at night?

  10. Intriguing. It was even more so when at first I misread the word, "Canal," thinking instead it was "Carnal." That would really be some event!

    Very unusual structures. I was thinking farm silos.

    Re your question on Ocala: This is the Winding Oaks Farm, an 1100-acre spread right in town and just a few blocks from where we live. I'm not sure about "famous" horses that trained here, but you can get more information on their horses and their races on their website:

  11. Right out in the middle of the bridge? They don't seem to use the bridge very much if they can put art exhibitions in the middle.

  12. They do look like hot air balloons! Very interesting.

  13. Love it Sharon, you just have to admire the artistic imagination oui!

  14. Wonderful, I really like these!

  15. very cool! That looks like a neat event, wish I could make it up there to check it out.
