Sunday, March 10, 2013


Yesterday was the annual "Devoured" event at the Phoenix Art Museum.  I went with my good friend David (above) and we ran into Gabe Bertaccini who was sampling some fabulous Italian wines.  You might remember Gabe from a post I made back in 2011 when he hosted a wonderful underground dinner event that I featured here.

Yesterday's event took place mostly in the sculpture courtyard of the museum where the valuable sculptures were all enclosed in covered boxes with these signs on them to remind you to be careful around the art.

And, with crowds like these you can understand why the signs might be necessary.  There were times when it was difficult to move.

But all in all, there was great food and wonderful wine to enjoy in spite of very un-Arizona-like weather.  It was cool and spitting rain most of the time we were there.


  1. I always thought that the sun always shone in Arizona, your blog has certainly educated me weatherwise! Regardless of the weather, this was clearly a very popular event!

  2. Gathering good wine is a good way to forget about the weather!

  3. This looks like an event I would have enjoyed to attend. :-)

  4. Love the name of the event Sharon, good food, good wine and good company ..three out of four isn't bad, although the weather sounded perfect to me!!

  5. There is always something going on in the valley and you are usually there when it does. I think I would have been happy for the cool sprinkles more than a hot dry day. Hi to David!

  6. Looks like great fun, Sharon! I was surprised at all the people. But I'm assuming this was a fund-raiser, so the large numbers of attendees was doubtless a good thing, right?

    I did take a look at the 2011 underground dinner event. Now I'm badly wanting some of that dessert!

  7. Wine and art - can't get much better!

  8. I wish I could have been there...this looks like an event I would enjoy. My exhibit in May is under scrutiny at this moment...I am still coming...but so many financial obligations. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  9. They certainly get a great turnout. David is giving you his pearly best smile!

  10. Sounds like a great event even if the weather did not cooperate.

  11. You really need to come to Charleston,'s a foodie's delight!

  12. Looks like a fun event - but a bit crowded!
