Saturday, February 2, 2013


After I made my plans to photograph my friend Heather with the red umbrella (yesterday's post), the rainy Saturday I've mentioned before arrived and umbrella's were suddenly everywhere.  I pulled into a restaurant parking lot to pop out for some take-out lunch but as often happens, I was engrossed in a story on the radio so I sat there for a while before making a dash for the restaurant.  Suddenly I spotted this young girl with her rainbow umbrella and her rainbow socks.  I jumped out of the car with my camera in hand so I could catch the scene.  As you can see, the rain was coming down at a good pace so I jumped right back in the car before I and my camera got drenched.  It's not the best photo but, I think the combination of umbrella and socks is just irresistible.


  1. Irresistible indeed!
    And most photographers know the feeling of a picture they did not take for a reason or another... it is still in their mind at this day. :-)

  2. You had to do it Sharon, this combination of colours and patterns is just begging to be captured!

  3. I think she must be wear all the colours of the spectrum.

  4. The stockings have the same colors as the umbrella, cool !!

  5. Cool! It reminds me of a series of shots a friend of mine took in Tokyo.

  6. A blast of multiple colour on a very grey day!

  7. How fun! She isn't shy when it comes to color.

  8. Good job and quick thinking! You got it perfectly. Fun and funky!

  9. Oh, I totally agree. Even her skirt and jacket add to the picture! Even though nothing matches I think it's a wonderful combination.

  10. That little girl is just as cute as she could be, Sharon!

  11. Great pic, such a fun idea to make it all better :-)

  12. She is a colorful young woman and quite a bright subject to photograph!
