Monday, February 25, 2013

Glorious Color

You might think it was nice of this fellow to pose for me but,

I had nothing to do with it.

He was feeling a little frisky and was trying to catch this young lady's eye.

She was having none of it.


  1. You are right about the Colours... glorious.

    Now If I could only do that for my wife. It would be cheaper than flowers:-)

  2. She must be very particular. Maybe he is wearing last season's feathers.

  3. He's so vain, he probably thinks this song is about him.....
    Nice shots!

  4. Very cute! Did it work? I've often noticed males acting if very goofy ways trying to get the attention of a female, but to no avail. :-)

    Re your comment about trees: Yes, it's weird. We have oak trees that more or less lose their leaves in the fall and again in the spring. That really was awful when they hung over our swimming pool. I could spend two hours cleaning the pool, and then have a slight breeze come up and I'd turn around and it would be filled with more leaves than when I started! Aargh!

  5. I'm sorry, Sharon. I just wrote a long comment and Blogger ate it - this is happening way too often.

    Very cute post, though!

  6. This image is a miracle bird! So Beautiful! Thank you Sharon! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  7. I though the 1st pic was a painting at first!

  8. well he certainly got my attention. that top shot is fabulous!

  9. Sorry, buddy. I know that feeling. Same thing happens when I preen.

  10. Jack and Judy's comments made me smile! What a super shot Sharon, incredible colours and detail captured here, the pea hen looks like 'whatever' haha!

  11. The first photo looks like a painting. Beautiful!

  12. Peacocks are so vain. :-) Great shots, Sharon.

  13. Lovely colors. Beautifully shot. And yes, the guy was trying to impress :-D

    Pixellicious Photos
