Sunday, December 9, 2012

Fall in Phoenix

It's beginning to look like fall in the Phoenix area just in time for winter to start.  I took a walk at Steele Indian School Park yesterday afternoon and could easily see the trees turning and the long shadows of a southern sun.  But, it was still warm enough for those two young boys to play in shirt sleeves and shorts.


  1. That could be an Ocala scene. We get some fall colors about this time of year, too. This is a very warm and inviting photo!

  2. Really lovely image Sharon, you can almost 'feel' the warmth of the afternoon sun. So nice that autumn is holding on for a while.

  3. About the same here. It's supposed to be 78 this afternoon but a cold front coming through tonight! I am ready for some winter!

  4. This is such a warm and pretty scene. The changes of the seasons in Phoenix are subtle but definitely noticeable.

  5. Nice, warm colors. I have driven by Steele Indian School Park countless times, but I have never been in the park.

  6. it has that wonderful light of fall! Nice one.

  7. Cold here today. I can't wait until we make our move back to Phoenix. Hope it's soon enough to enjoy the delicious winter weather.

  8. Beautiful, Sharon! That light is great.

  9. Wow, those trees were little when I last saw them.
