Saturday, September 29, 2012

Court House

On the drive home from Tucson, I took the road less traveled; a round about way that took me through the town of Florence Arizona.  Florence is the county seat of Pinal County and I wanted to take a page from the book of Kathy (Kathy goes a Ramblin') and photograph the beautiful old court house there. As luck would have it, the building is currently undergoing a restoration process so it was surrounded by temporary fencing that shielded the huge amount of construction materials and equipment inside.  I settled for a photo of the the beautiful cupola on the top of the building.


  1. Beautiful indeed, and set off perfectly against the clear blue sky.

  2. The cupola is wonderful and you will have to take the back road one more time in a couple of months or a couple of years... Who knows!

  3. Oh, my! Once I saw the thumbnail my heart started going pitter-patter! I think I was actually in this courthouse at one time, but that was before my fascination with them. Back in those days they were just places to work. That day I was the court reporter on a death penalty sentencing of one of Arizona's most notorious killers and I had things other than architecture on my mind! But today I'd be all over this place with a camera! Thanks for making me smile!

  4. Florence is justifiably proud of its classic Courthouse. It is wonderful that it is undergoing a thorough renovation. i was there about 4 or 5 months ago and the renovation had started.

  5. This photo was worth the trip. Beauty!

  6. You chose a terrific angle so the restoration really was a gift to your creativity. From the comments, I assume that is an older building but your photo makes it look brand new.

  7. I've been in Florence a number of times...but don't remember courthouse. Heck, I don't remember much of anything, except the prison.

    No, I was not locked up, but worked as an insurance investigator and on a couple of occasions I had to interview inmates. I didn't enjoy that!

  8. This is a great shot and I hope you will go back after the renovations are complete so that we can see the whole building. This one is a nice tease. I do remember this one from long ago.
    Now Kathy has made me curious....

  9. It's beautiful and a great shot of it!

  10. It's beautiful. I believe the courthouse is part of the state park system, is it not?

  11. Nice one, Sharon. Courthouses are often beautiful buildings. I have a book of photographs of Massachusetts courthouses, and I have given a similar book about Ohio courthouses as a gift.

  12. Wonderful photo of a wonderful building!

  13. It looks more like an east coast building.

  14. If the rest of the restoration looks as good as this Sharon, it's definitely going to be worth while going back for another look.

  15. Wonderful, the cupola and the photo of it!
